Traditional wainscot moulding was first introduced in the 1500’s in England and was used to beautify the interior of upper class homes. Created with interlocking wood pieces, wainscoting allowed homeowners to add personality to once bare stone surfaces, which were unsightly and unwelcoming.
Not only were these interior additions beautiful, they were created for a functional purpose to keep homes warm. Wainscoting originally served to insulate homes since stone was such a poor insulator. Later into the 1700’s, wainscoting transitioned from a full wall covering to protecting from the baseboard to mid-wall height. This transition represents a change in construction materials and a need for a layer to protect from dampness.
Now in the 21st century, wainscoting is used for decorative purposes since it provides a space for intricate wood design, expert craftsmanship, and beauty. Most homeowners opt to adorn their walls with a variety of simple, white-painted wainscoting. The best way to use wainscoting in your home depends on your taste and eye for detail. As a simple visual decoration to install, wainscoting provides you an opportunity to decorate in the classiest of ways, bringing any room in your home to a royal standard. Wainscoting is perfect for contemporary rooms, too! Dining spaces, home offices, and grand entrances are perfect locations for you to add striking wainscot paneling.
As it grows in popularity amongst Michigan homeowners, more individuals are finding ways to include wainscoting in their home. A newer popular use of wainscoting is in application of staircases changing a once plain space to an extravagant focal point. Not only can you wow guests, but you may also increase home value by paying attention to these little details.
ASA Builder’s Supply offers the largest selection of wood moulding in Southeast Michigan and also carries composite and rubber variants for non-flat walls. Contact us to learn more.