When you hire a contractor you are trusting strangers to enter into your home, most of the time unsupervised by you or your family. Not every is able to be home while the contractors are working on the house. As such, there are many ways in which you can prepare your home for safety and security when you are not there to supervise.
#1 Hide Your Valuables
While many people might consider this common, it is often a simple task many homeowners overlook. Your valuables such as jewels, fine china, or money should be placed out of site. They do not need to be put in a locked safe or taken out of the home necessarily, but just not in plain site where the temptation is higher.
#2 Limit Access in Your Home
If the project is on the exterior of your home then limit access to the interior by locking your doors. If however, your project is inside then you can limit access by locking certain doors or sections of your home which are not part of the project. If you cannot lock the doors or restrict areas with locks you can place tape over the door jambs to ensure that if anyone enters the room without permission, you will know because of the broken tape.
#3 Have Someone Else Present
If you cannot be home you can call upon friends, family, or neighbors to possibly take shifts and cover times when you cannot be home but the contractors will be.
#4 Ensure Contractors Close the Doors
If your project requires the contractors to go in and out of your house you can ensure safety by asking them to lock the doors behind them when they leave. Even if your contractors are honest people, there are still many ways in which burglars could take advantage of the situation if you are not careful.
#5 Neighborhood Watch
Even if your friends and family cannot be present in the home, you can ask neighbors to just keep an eye out for anything which might be deemed suspicious. This is especially prudent for tightly-knit communities or culs-de-sac which allow neighbors to view other homes.
#6 Webcams
You can keep a webcam on to watch the rooms where contractors will be working and link it to a phone or computer in your office. While seemingly paranoid, it can still provide peace of mind if you are unsure about having contractors in your home while you are gone.